JUDGING OCCURS IN LATE MAY (likely 30th-31st but TBA for now)
Within 5 business days after registering, you’ll receive a PayPal invoice which will include your contest registration number on it. PLEASE INCLUDE THAT REGISTRATION NUMBER WHEN YOU SHIP YOUR ENTRIES TO US.
Good luck to all who enter!
(here is an example of the scoresheet we’ll be using and sending back to participants)
Kolsch 2025 Rules & Guidelines
Entry Fee
The entry fee in 2025 will be $50 per entry. Your entry fee is to cover our costs for the shirt you will receive, and the Grand Champion trophy along with the two runner up medals, and shipping this stuff back out to you after the competition. Current members of our Trub Club only have to pay $40 for their entry fee.
How to enter Kolsch Cup
Step 1: Competition Application/Payment: February 1st – March 31st
Step 2: Entry Registration & Payment
CONFIRMATION EMAIL: Confirmation emails are all sent by me, Joshua, within 5 business days after you submit your registration form. A $50 per entry charge is due via the PayPal invoice (or $40 if you’re a member of our Patreon Trub Club). Once you pay for your entries, you are officially entered in the competition. Payments are due by March 31st, 2025, so I can buy y’all’s shirts!
Disclaimer: Failure to pay within the deadline window will result in dismissal from the competition.
Getting your beer to us!
You need to deliver two 12oz bottles (or cans) of your beer to:
Kolsch Cup 2025
ATTENTION: Joshua Steubing
1800 EDC Parkway
Comanche, TX 76442
and they must be delivered to us on or before Friday, May 9th. Please do your best to make sure your beer gets to us by the deadline!
When I send you your PayPal invoice email, it includes your unique entry number. PLEASE INCLUDE THIS NUMBER either on a piece paper inside your shipment packaging or tape it to the bottles or somehow make sure it’s included with your bottles/cans.
It is the entrant’s responsibility to make sure entries arrive on time and are labeled correctly.
Package MUST have “Kolsch Cup” listed on package when delivered. Preferably, you can address the package like this:
Kolsch Cup 2025
ATTENTION: Joshua Steubing
1800 EDC Parkway
Comanche, TX 76442
Deliver Direct (drop-off): If you’re near us, feel free to drop off your entry!
Ideally, you should use a shipping service that offers tracking information. However, that isn’t a must and don’t worry about getting tracking if it would make your shipping cost even more!
Pack it well (make it unbreakable). I, personally, recommend using https://www.craftyshipping.com/ products. We use them all the time and they’re great!
Kolsch Cup will rate every beer on a similar scale used by the American Homebrewer’s Association (scoring the beer overall from 1-50) and we will be awarding ONE Grand Champion trophy and TWO Runner Ups.
Judging Process
First and foremost, NONE of us are accredited BJCP judges. Please do not go into this expecting us to replicate the incredible judging that REAL judges do. Obviously, we will do our best to provide thorough and meaningful feedback on your scorecard! As of right now, the plan is to begin the first day of judging half of the entries on a Thursday afternoon/evening. We’ll continue judging the second half of entries on Friday afternoon/evening, and then the top 10 entries from Day 1 and Day 2 will be judged on the final day. Saturday. This is why we ask for two bottles or cans, so that we can have that second bottle/can to drink if your entry is in the final running! Kolsch Cup usually ‘sells out’ and we’re allowing 40 entries this year – so, sign up sooner than later to save your spot.
We want to live stream this but, worst case, we’ll be recording and publish the videos immediately after. The only thing keeping us from potentially live streaming is Todd’s awful internet at the ranch. The livestreaming/recording component is another reason why it’s important to include your entry number (given to you by me via email AFTER you pay for your entry) so that you’ll know if we’re judging your beer at that time.
WARNING: Todd is brutally honest and will, undoubtedly, say harsh things if he feels it’s warranted while drinking your altbier. I can promise you that I’ve been called the worst of the worst by him and you get used to it after a while. I’m anticipating only really good things being said during Alt-Pokal though because, well, we’ll be drinking your alt!
Competitions are fun already but the last thing we want is for anyone to stress over this. Brewing and drinking alt or kölsch is already my favorite thing to do and our community (YOU) are awesome and I can’t wait to try your brews.
Refund Policy
When your payment and registration is processed, we spend that money on ordering your shirt. If you want to cancel your registration, we cannot offer a refund but you will still receive your shirt.